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Hive Networks puts Learning Health Networks to use (CincyFuture)
Patients, families, doctors, clinicians, and researchers all collaborating for better health care outcomes? This might have been impossible prior to the introduction of the internet, but a new learning health network (LHN) model is evolving and becoming more popular for many diseases and chronic conditions.

Passion, Purpose, and Community Move Mountains (FlyOver Future)
The team at Hive Networks understands the benefit of having passion in a mission. And that mission is an important one—bringing patients, parents, clinicians, and researchers together in a working community for better health outcomes.

Stronger Together: Hive Networks’ healthcare platform provides support during a crisis (Microsoft for Startups)
In this interview CTO Scott Roth shares how Hive Networks has responded to the increase in demand driven by the pandemic; how the platform helps doctors, policy makers, and healthcare admins across the world collaborate on COVID-19; and the challenges of transitioning to a remote work environment.