Case Studies

A Bipolar Learning Health Network: An innovation whose time has come
The system of care for people with bipolar disorder “…is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.” (Attribution disputed: Paul Batalden or Arthur Jones). Those results are not good enough. We propose to improve results for people with bipolar disorder by disrupting the current care system with a Learning Health Network.

Reliable individualized monitoring improves cholesterol control in kidney transplant recipients (NLM)
The proportion of visits in which cholesterol monitoring was completed when indicated improved from 80% to 98% within 8 months and was sustained for more than 1 year. The number of patients with controlled LDL (<130 mg/dL, 3.3 mmol/L) improved from 44 (71%) of 62 at the start of our project to 58 (94%) of 62 (P = .002) at an average follow-up of 24 months.

Improvement in Interstage Survival in a National Pediatric Cardiology Learning Network (AHA Journals)
Infants with univentricular congenital heart disease (CHD), including those with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), regularly pose dilemmas in decision-making because their anatomy and physiology are often unique and variable.

Improved outcomes in a quality improvement collaborative for pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (NLM)
Unintended variation in the care of patients with Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) may prevent achievement of optimal outcomes. We sought to improve chronic care delivery and outcomes for children with inflammatory bowel disease by using network-based quality improvement methods.